Information is always good! Without it, we may question everything. With it, we know the right questions to ask.

Connecting you with UST



What are you looking for?

Reach out to schedule a conversation with Mallory. You’ll be asked a few questions to help Mallory understand your concerns and be provided an opportunity to ask questions.


Personalized suggestions.

Mallory will share with you initial thoughts based off of the information you provide and if UST is best suited for your needs.


Pick the right therapist.

If you’d like to move forward with UST, we will schedule an initial evaluation session* and then build a therapy plan and schedule that suits both our availabilities.

*if child has a recent evaluation that is within the last year, UST may be able to use that evaluation rather than doing a new one, pending review.


What does an evaluation look like?

Based off of the consult, Mallory will create a comprehensive evaluation method varying in combination of dynamic assessment, standardized assessments, informal assessments, play and language samples, and parent questionnaire. UST is also able to accept evaluations performed elsewhere and create a therapy plan based off of record review, pending review of past evaluations. Evaluations last approximately between 1 - 2 hours.

Does UST take insurance?

UST is only in network with Alaska Medicaid (Denali Care) and does not currently take any other insurances; private pay only. However, a superbill can be provided upon request that you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement up to your out of network insured rate, despite UST not being in-network. If curious for more information about this and/or how a superbill works, just ask. You may need to ask your provider to send UST a referral for services.

How long will therapy last for?

Therapy frequency and length of service depends on severity, progress rate, and availability. Per session, therapy typically lasts about 50 minutes with a 10 minute wrap up discussion with family. Final decision about length of therapy session will depending on your child’s therapeutic needs, attention/tolerance ability, and session activities.

Question not listed?

Email Mallory and she will gladly answer any additional questions you have!

What services are offered?